Mission & Vision

In view of more than 10 years development of Ocean Empire, we have obtained certain achievements, however, we are not content with our present achievements, because self-complacence will be the baffle of our future development.


The situation in Hong Kong is changing, the taste of consumers goes along the change, at the same time, there are more and more competitors joining in the dietetic industry. Facing such situation, we need to develop and enlarge, but what should we do? There are various answers to the question, but anyhow strong team spirit should be our support.


Team spirit is neither an oral call nor the orders from leaders nor the echo of staff callings that can make great achievements. Actually, all staff from various positions should grasp team spirit. Everyone in the Company should not only have common awareness, but also have coherent aspiration. In order to realize our common ambitions, all the staff should unite and should make effort together for future success.


All staff in the Company will share the achievements as soon as they exert the collective power called the teamwork spirit and run to the common target. Although the road is rough, the future is promising.


Managing Director